Who True Freaks #19: Battlefield
More random DOCTOR WHO goodness is ready for your listening pleasure as PROFESSOR ALAN MIDDLETON and his daughter EMILY MIDDLETON join host SHAWN ENGEL for a look at the much […]
Last Christmas, I gave you my hearts, but the very next day, you gave me space crabs…Which might just be a more pleasnat gift than the Wham song. Yes, rounding the year out, the Who True Freaks of Dr. Bill Robinson, Dave Walker, Hope Mullinax, and Shawn Engel talk about the 2014 Doctor Who Christmas Special, LAST CHRISTMAS. This time the Doctor and Clara encounter Santa Claus at the North Pole, and rather than having a jolly holiday with plenty of gifts and tangerines (what’s up with that?!?) they end up in a Dream Crab induced altered reality where their brains are being SUCKED DRY!!! And Danny Pink is back…much to Hope’s delight. It’s a fun episode that embodies what a good Doctor Who show should, comedy, drama, and a bit of scariness that’ll make the kids hide behind the sofa. So why not download the show and take a listen? It’ll take care of that ice cream headache you’ve been having since last week…
Shawn Engle December 18, 2014
More random DOCTOR WHO goodness is ready for your listening pleasure as PROFESSOR ALAN MIDDLETON and his daughter EMILY MIDDLETON join host SHAWN ENGEL for a look at the much […]
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