
1972 Results / Page 99 of 220

Toon Trek
  • 536

Toon Trek

Toon Trek 12- The Time Trap

J.David Weter March 23, 2022

Imagine that you have found a place where peace has been achieved among even the most diametrically opposed alien races. Life is good, and everybody is content. Now- Imagine that the crew of The U.S.S. Enterprise clumsily finds a way in, and decides to ruin the party. There, you have […]

Bots, Bugs, and Babes
  • 983

Bots, Bugs, and Babes

Bots, Bugs, And Babes – Episode #118: Sinbad And The Eye Of The Tiger (1977) – Sinbad’s Boldest And Most Daring Adventure!

Jason Jaconetti March 13, 2022

“The gods have abandoned you! Too late, Sinbad. Kassim will never be caliph!” On this our 6th Anniversary episode of Bots, Bugs, and Babes, my father (Al Jaconetti) and I will sail the high seas to adventure as we turn the clock back 45 years to talk about Sinbad and […]

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