
1972 Results / Page 109 of 220

Toon Trek
  • 290

Toon Trek

Toon Trek 06- The Survivor

J.David Weter December 15, 2021

What if a billionaire disappeared for five years, and is miraculously found in a hostile environment? Now, what if said billionaire was also a shape-shifter with a voice that calls out, “Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice?” That is the question that is explored in another episode of that […]

Bots, Bugs, and Babes
  • 847

Bots, Bugs, and Babes

Bots, Bugs, And Babes – Episode #112: Fatman (2020) – “A wicked soul bent on vengeance and bloodshed came to my door…like you Billy…he’s buried.”

Jason Jaconetti December 13, 2021

“I’ve come for your head, Fat Man!” “You think you’re the first? You think I got this job because I’m fat and jolly?”   On this episode of Bots, Bugs, and Babes, my father (Al Jaconetti) and I take a look at a movie many of you may have heard […]

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