
Two True Freaks Episode 515 – Star Wars Monthly Monday 66

Chris Honeywell June 30, 2019 50 5

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THAT’S RIGHT! Sometimes it might take about 30 years for a new issue of a comic to come out, but if it is your SOLEMN MANDATE to cover each and every issue of that comic run, then you gotta do what you gotta do. Such is the situation that Scott Gardner and Chris Honeywell find themselves in with the release of Marvel Star Wars number 108! The Freaks dust off their old Star Wars Monthly Monday headquarters and dig up all their old sound clips and Star Wars soundtracks and even enlist fellow OLD SCHOOL MARVEL STAR WARS booster SCOTT RYFUN to flip through this new floppy and see how the new guys do with the original continuity. How are our old pals doing? Is it fan service or the start of something new? Is it all about the bunny? Only ONE WAY to find out!

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