Hello everyone, and welcome to a special Assistant Editors Month version of Star Trek Monthly Monday. The Freaks are on Holiday on Riza ogling some Orion slave girls, so Producer Paul Spataro, Andrew Leyland, and Shawn Engel are here to cover in their stead. And what do they bring to the show, but an episode of Star Trek Enterprise (or just Enterprise as it was called when it originally aired), “Regeneration”! The Borg are back, for the first time, unless you consider when the TNG crew encountered them, but it’s all timey-wimey stuff that can be overlooked. Plus there’s a real John Carpenter’s The Thing vibe from the beginning of the show as some Federation scientists in an Arctic outpost make some REALLY stupid choices. Plus, we discuss how much we love the theme song (which is not really at all). So make sure you keep your dosage of omichron radiation at the ready in case of sudden assimilation outbreaks. We hope you enjoy!
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