Two True Freaks Episode 422 – The X-Men Commentary
WELCOME TO X-MEN MONTH! The Freaks are celebrating the upcoming DAYS OF FUTURE PAST movie, so where better to begin but with Bryan Singer’s 2000 kick-off to the X-Men franchise? […]
Welcome to the middle of X-MEN MONTH! This time join Scoptt Gardner and Chris Honeywell as they gab through Bryan Singer’s sequel X-MEN UNITED! Find out why The Freaks hold this movie high on their list of super hero movies! Chris makes the argument that this movie is a Star Trek movie and Pyro is a douche. Scott makes the argument that Chris is brain damaged. BOTH MAY BE RIGHT!
MadminW May 4, 2014
WELCOME TO X-MEN MONTH! The Freaks are celebrating the upcoming DAYS OF FUTURE PAST movie, so where better to begin but with Bryan Singer’s 2000 kick-off to the X-Men franchise? […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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