Project 400: A Salute to Scott and Chris
Well, this week, the Two True Freaks released their 400th episode with zero fanfare. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. We in the Two True Freaks Community will not take that […]
Due to the CRATERED computer of Scott Gardner, Commentary Monthly Monday was impossible, so he and co-Freak Chris Honeywell decided to have him call in from his IPad and do an old fashioned, old school Two True Freaks shoot the shit episode! What do they talk about? Well, in addition to computers – only Star Wars, Star Trek, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Iron Man, X-Men movies, Marvel vs. DC’s approach to superhero movies, how they COVET Dinner 4 Geeks format, the Robocop remake, The Lego Movie, the fate of the human race and a handful of other stuff I can’t remember! It’s an OLD SCHOOL FREAK-IN!
MadminW January 22, 2014
Well, this week, the Two True Freaks released their 400th episode with zero fanfare. None. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada. We in the Two True Freaks Community will not take that […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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