Episode 361 – The DiManzicorp Pacific Rim Review
The DiManzicorp crew has convened to throw in their two cents on the new Guillermo Del Toro movie – PACIFIC RIM! Join Chris Tyler, Paul Spataro, Scott McGregor, Dr. Bill […]
Well, it’s a fifth Monday and The Freaks have polled the listeners for the topic of this show and IGNORED EVERY SUGGESTION. Instead, spurred by a Facebook thread, Scott Gardner, Chris Honeywell and Michael Bailey decided to make a sequel to the legendary “Get Off Your Ass And Make A Podcast” show! This time, the TRIO OF TERROR have assumed that you have decided to actually get off your ass and are making a podcast and they impart their YODA-LIKE WISDOM based on years of EXPERIENCE and CATASTROPHIC MISTAKES! Sound technical? Sometimes it is, but it’s also full of all the GOOFINESS and TWO TRUE FREAKS GOODNESS that plants crave! So kick back and enjoy and if you’re not careful – YOU MAY LEARN SOMETHING BEFORE IT’S DONE!
MadminW July 22, 2013
The DiManzicorp crew has convened to throw in their two cents on the new Guillermo Del Toro movie – PACIFIC RIM! Join Chris Tyler, Paul Spataro, Scott McGregor, Dr. Bill […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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