Episode 267 – Peter Jackson’s King Kong
King Kong Month finishes up with Peter Jackson’s epic 2005 version of KING KONG! Joining the Freaks this time is Chris “I Can’t Stay Mad At That Monkey” Tyler! Not […]
MadminW June 26, 2012 3
Scott’s wife surprises him with FREE movie tickets — and how do they choose to spend them? Well, on Ass-Kickin’ Abe, of course!!
Scott offers up a relatively quick and SPOILER-FREE “first impressions” review of our sixteenth president’s latest flick.
Is it good? Is it cheesy? Is it “historically accurate”? Isn’t it about time you gave your last full measure of devotion and downloaded the damn thing already?
MadminW June 25, 2012
King Kong Month finishes up with Peter Jackson’s epic 2005 version of KING KONG! Joining the Freaks this time is Chris “I Can’t Stay Mad At That Monkey” Tyler! Not […]
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