
Trentus Magnus Punches Reality- Episode 88- Two Crazy Nights

Trentus Magnus March 24, 2015 8

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In this week’s ball-depowering episode, Magnus was in a Byrne Age Superman mood and decided to geek out over two of the better issues from John Byrne’s era: Adventures of Superman #440 and Superman #19.

In these glory days, there were only two Superman-centric titles coming out each month to Byrne, Jerry Ordway and the other talents leading Superman into Post-Crisis glory knew they had to make with the awesome every single month.

The end result is one of the all-time greatest yet sadly most-underappreciated eras of Superman’s entire publishing history. On the rare occasion that most snooterati jerkface hipsters deign to notice Superman’s existence, Doomsday invariably comes up… and it’s high time those fecal-spewing misanthropes sat down, shut up and learned from their betters.

To get back on the subject though, what’s so amazing about these specific issues? Nothing. They simply carry on the well-established trend of awesomeness in Superman comics, month in and month out.

All due respect to the triangle number years but *THIS* is a phenomenal era of Superman awesomeness. So stop reading and start listening!

And then start writing! Sure, because of the amount of discussion about the ol’ funny books this week, there’s no time to soak up adoration from the teeming masses. You miserable beggars, miscreants, commoners and peasants are always welcome to pay your pathetic attempt at tribute to Magnus. DiManzocorp interns are ready, willing, able and eager to accept bribes to present your missives to His Excellency for review. The email address to use is excellency@trentusmagnus.com, whereupon your leader might consider thinking about the possibility of potentially discussing whatever you have in mind some day. And that’s a promise!

In an act of nearly inconceivable charity, your leader permits the lowly rabble such as you to kiss his ring regarding this or any other episode. Thus, notes of homage may be sent to excellency@trentusmagnus.com for DiManzocorp interns to review.

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