The Media Masochist #2 Horrifying Fan Fiction
When Chris has had a hard day at work, or his girlfriend has dumped him and hooked up with that stupid drummer or his rent is late and his dog […]
When Chris has had a hard day at work, or his girlfriend has dumped him and hooked up with that stupid drummer or his rent is late and his dog died- he likes to share his pain. He does this by subjecting himself to horrible media and then bitching about it. It doesn’t really make Chris feel any better, but Chris has heard that it’s pretty entertaining to other people. Would you like to listen? Good, because here it is. This time it’s an 80’s mega low-budget Italio-Road Warrior rip-off lobotomy called “Warriors Of The Wasteland”. Chris watched this stinkeroo while the sun shone and the birds sang outside. Any subsequent vitamin D deficiencies will be blamed on Will Sanchez, who sent this shaggy dog along to give Chris a virtual cinematic waterboarding. WATCH WARRIORS OF THE WASTELAND HERE but remember – YOU’VE BEEN WARNED!
NOTE — The Two True Freaks! now have a phone line where you can call and leave a completely inappropriate message – We just might use it on the show! It’s 585-COP-LURE!! ( 1-585-267-5873 )
Chris Honeywell March 8, 2010
When Chris has had a hard day at work, or his girlfriend has dumped him and hooked up with that stupid drummer or his rent is late and his dog […]
Chris Honeywell March 24, 2021
Chris Honeywell March 23, 2021
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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