The Man of Screen Podcast Episode 59 – The Adventures of Superman: Money to Burn/Close Shave
In episode 59 of The Man of Screen podcast, its time for a look at two good more episodes of Season 5 of “The Adventures of Superman” First, there is […]
Mike Zummo April 18, 2017 46
In episode 60 of The Man of Screen podcast, Mike Zummo will enter the beginning of a difficult stretch of “The Adventures of Superman.”
If you can consider watching a television show difficult.
First, we get a visit from something rare on this show. A recurring character. There are plenty of recurring actors, but few recurring characters, but the return of Prof. Pepperwinkle is a delight, even if the episode itself is out there.
But the good professor has brought a new invention. Hes going to transmit you by phone. Think of the possibilities. Imagine getting a pizza sent to you over the phone. You better catch it or youll have a big mess on your floor.
But what happens when the criminal element gets ahold of it. Will they be caught? Or will they use “The Phony Alibi”?
And then, were giving to charity. Well, were not, but little Bobby Jackson is. Hes going to give some of his old stuff to flood victims and hes going to give away some of his great-grandfathers old stuff, too. Didnt kids in the 50s have PARENTS?
But find out what happens when Great-Gramps coat has something very valuable in it. Or not at all.
Find out the story behind “The Prince Albert Coat”.
Next time: The Daily Planet crew will determine the whereabouts of “The Stolen Elephant” and then the man from Mars, “Mr. Zero” will want to you to take him to your leader.
Mike Zummo April 11, 2017
In episode 59 of The Man of Screen podcast, its time for a look at two good more episodes of Season 5 of “The Adventures of Superman” First, there is […]
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