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The Man of Screen Podcast Episode 146 – The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians: The Wild Cards/Brain Child/The Case of the Stolen Super Powers

Mike Zummo October 15, 2019 61

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In episode 146 of the Man of Screen podcast, Mike Zummo begins his penultimate episode covering “The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians”. And this time, hell have some episodes of varying length with a 22-minute episode and two 11-minute episodes.

First, were going to meet a classic Justice villain, or rather a group of them, as we run into some thieves with a playing card motif. Yep. You guessed it, the Royal Flush Gang.


Throw in the Joker, Darkseid and youve got yourself a bunch of “Wild Cards”.

Then were going to return to the 11-minute format for the final time with a story about some androids, Coluans and Cyborg, oh my! Find out what happens when Brainiac abducts Cyborg and tries to give him a mindwipe and make him a slave.

Listen as Cyborg becomes Brainiacs “Brainchild”.

Then were going to meet a pair of villains for the first time, but theyre not teaming up. Theyre going to antagonize each other more than anything else. Throw in the Penguin, the magician Felix Faust and youve got “The Case of the Stolen Superpowers”.

Additionally, regular emailer provided a link in his feedback. You can follow that here: https://babblingsaboutdccomics2.wordpress.com/2015/03/24/action-273-superman-pesters-mr-mxyzptlk/

Next time: We will complete this season of Superfriends and this series as a whole with “Escape from Space City” and “The Death of Superman”.

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