
The Man of Screen Podcast Episode 14 – Atom Man vs. Superman Ch.13-15

Mike Zummo May 31, 2016 26

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In episode 14 of the Man of Screen Podcast, join Mike Zummo as he comes to the end of a long road. Yes, this is it, the final episode covering the Kirk Alyn movie serials with the final three chapters of Atom Man vs. Superman.

In this final episode, find out why Mike thinks Lois has acted very stupidly in these final chapters. And can you really expect people to rush their job on your space ship? And is it really spineless to now want to get caught in a cave-in? And do jellyfish have spines? Luthor seems to think so.

Also, how smart is it to drive into the path of an incoming rocket? And how far will you go to get the shot?

PLUS you wont want to miss what Luthor does with his sonic vibrator and then his atomic projectile.

So, come join Mike as he finishes his look at Atom Man vs. Superman. If you dont, Lois might call you a “low-down cousin of a cobra.”

Next time: Mike will begin his year-long coverage of The Adventures of Superman starring George Reeves.

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Mike Zummo

The Man of Screen Podcast

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