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The Man of Screen Podcast Episode 137 – Superfriends: The Lost Season Weeks 5 and 6

Mike Zummo July 30, 2019 13

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In episode 137 of the Man of Screen podcast, Mike Zummo continues his coverage of Superfriends Lost Season, the fall 1983 season.

Just like last weeks coverage, were going to lead off with time travel again. This time a few Kryptonian Supervillains are going to travel back in time to visit Superboy in Smallville. They have a score to settle with Superboy before he can become Superman.

We need to combat this “Return of the Phantoms”.

Then were going back to high school, where kids are awful and theyre always willing to pick on those they believe a week. Find out when the bullied tries to turn the tables in “Bully for You”.

Then were going to get a visit from Brainiac. And hes going to make copies of a couple of not as well-thought of Superfriends. What problems will be caused by “The Superclones”.?

So, Batman and Superman find something they think is a punishment device. So, what does Superman do? He breaks it and frees a demon.

Thanks to Superman, he and Batman are “Prisoners of Sleep”.

And then its time for a joyride as a couple of teenagers are going to encounter a WARNING sign. And theyre going to do what most teens do in that situation.

So, let me if you can figure out what exactly is “The Unexpected Treasure”.

And then we finish off with a story about a monster thats going to strip the outer layer off just about anything it comes across. Its going to take a special product to deal with it. Find out what it takes to get rid of “The Malusian Blob”.

Next time: Mike will enter the second half of his coverage of Superfriends: The Lost Years.

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Mike Zummo

The Man of Screen Podcast

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