The Man of Screen Podcast Episode 135
In episode 135 of the Man of Screen podcast, Mike Zummo begins his coverage of the fall 1983 season that did not air in the United States and therefore it […]
Mike Zummo July 16, 2019 12
In episode 135 of the Man of Screen podcast, Mike Zummo begins his coverage of the fall 1983 season that did not air in the United States and therefore it is dubbed “The Lost Season.”
Whats not “lost” is the format as this season continues the format of the previous two seasons with each half-hour segment containing three seven-minute shorts.
First, were leaving the dimension, and going to the Fifth Dimension, the home of Mr. Mxyzptlk and were going to have some courtroom drama, or very little courtroom drama. But at least were not having a movie in “Mxyzptlks Revenge.”
Now its time for an initiation. Into a “club”. And what is the initiation stunt? To ride a condemned roller coaster. So, here is where stupid meets the Superfriends as we ride the “Roller Coaster”.
Then were going to a Wayne-owned building that were guessing is built on a Native American burial ground. So, its up to Batman and Robin – along with Apache Chief – to figure out what when our story takes us “Once Upon a Poltergeist”.
So now were going to get into some animal business. Meaning the Worlds Finest team falls into an alternate dimension inhabited by Super Animals. So, come with us and check out the “Warpland”.
So now Gorilla Grodd has a plan. Its a plan to make an android copy of Gleek. Because he wants to solve the greatest mystery of our time. He wants to know if “Two Gleeks Are Deadlier Than One”
And now were going to have Superman and Apache Chief chase a fictional creature through a thunderstorm. Fortunately, Apache Chief reads more comics than Superman does, but the Man of Steel does get a chance to show off his own detective skills in “Bulgor the Behemoth”.
Next time: We will continue with Weeks 3 and 4 of Superfriends: The Lost Season.
Mike Zummo July 15, 2019
In episode 135 of the Man of Screen podcast, Mike Zummo begins his coverage of the fall 1983 season that did not air in the United States and therefore it […]
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