The Man of Screen Extra Episode 20 – The Death of Superman Movie Commentary
In episode 20 of The Man of Screen Extra, Mike Zummo yaks over the recently released straight to BluRay film by WB Animation, “The Death of Superman”. Mike will talk […]
Mike Zummo August 21, 2018 42
In episode 110 of the Man of Screen podcast, Mike Zummo reaches what he considers a high point in Challenge of the Superfriends. Ironically, completion of this episode will mark the halfway point of this seasons coverage.
Over the hump so to speak and barreling toward the rewards at the end of this season.
First, were going to see an episode without villains as a spacegoing missile crashes into the desert and radiation has an enlarging effect on the local wildlife. You know, the brainless wildlife. It has a similar effect on certain Superfriends.
What happens in this episode that makes Mike think of Frank Herberts master work, “Dune”. So get on your horse and warn everyone because “The Beasts are Coming”.
Then, things get large as the Legion of Doom sets up an elaborate plot just so they can use the Hall of Justice computer because Bizarro wants to make a giant ray.
What will happen when Bizarro creates “The Giants of Doom”?
Then, were going on a trip. A trip into the endless void. The Phantom Zone. This Superman heavy episode introduces you to three villains who were banished to the Zone by Superman.
Theyre from Krypton. They have a grudge and theyre going to bring “The Terror from the Phantom Zone”.
Then we wrap things up with some origin stories. Somehow the Legion of Doom uses time travel to erase the Superfriends from existence.
What wil they accomplish now that they know “The Secret Origin of the Superfriends”.
Next time, Mike begins the back half of Season 3 with the New Superfriends episodes, “The Anti-Matter Monster” and “World Beneath the Ice”, and the Challenge of the Superfriends episodes, “Revenge on Gorilla City” and “Swamp of the Living Dead”
Mike Zummo August 17, 2018
In episode 20 of The Man of Screen Extra, Mike Zummo yaks over the recently released straight to BluRay film by WB Animation, “The Death of Superman”. Mike will talk […]
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