
The Man of Screen Extra Episode 31 – Crisis on Infinite Earths

Mike Zummo January 28, 2020 27

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In episode 31 of Man of Screen Extra, Mike Zummo is back with some of his fellow Paragons of Podcasting as they discuss Parts 4 and 5 of the CW crossover, Crisis on Infinite Earths.

But before that, Mike asks your indulgence on the sound quality of the introduction to this episode, but word is that he must have forgotten to turn on the Yeti and recorded it on his laptop microphone.

Oops. He could have rerecorded it, but decided not to. Thats the kind of lack of professionalism you should expect from a free podcast.

Mike also addresses the status of the main show so be sure to pay attention to that.

But then, the main event. Mike Zummo will be joined by Scott McGregor and Brian Hughes and his 13-year-old son, Chris and they will discuss what they liked about Parts 4 and 5, which featured Episodes 4 and 5.

What were their favorite moments? What cameos surprised them? What did they see coming? What did Mike call and what did John Byrne do that Brian hates?

Youll have to listen to find out.

Next time: there are no immediate plans for the next Man of Screen Extra. Stay tuned to Facebook and Twitter to find out.

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Mike Zummo

The Man of Screen Podcast

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