
Tales of the Justice Society of America – Episode #75: August, 1984

MadminW March 7, 2014 38

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We’re Back!

First off, in the interest of full disclosure, Mike and Scott have had some serious technical difficulties of late! For one thing, Scott’s computer went tango uniform. Some say that it was because it just got old. Others suggest that Scott’s secret addiction to vodka and Red Bull got to him one night. In either case, his computer died. And as if that weren’t bad enough, Mike has had one helluva tough time with the new website. Some say that it’s because his ISP and the site don’t get along. Others suggest that Mike’s secret addiction to vodka and Red Bull is keeping him from posting stuff. In either case, Mike just can’t get episodes to post from his set-up.

But things are better now. Betty Ford has entered the picture. Episodes should be more frequent.

Until then — Are you ready for something that is so awesome it makes Roadhouse look lame? Then get ready for the seventy-fifth episode of “Tales”! In this show, Scott and Mike cover All-Star Squadron #35 and boy is this thing great! I mean, look at that cover! HOURMAN VS. BARON BLITZKREIG! It can’t get better than that, can it? Nothing could ruin that, right? Not even the appearance of the lamest hero since Johnny Thunder? Who is this hero? Why is he so lame? Listen to the episode and find out already!


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