
Tales of the Justice Society of America Episode 53

MadminW August 5, 2011 29

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It is I…BRAIN WAVE…master criminal and three time winner of the Dr. Sivana Look-A-Like Contest and I have hi-jacked this entry to put you under my thrawl in my plan to take over the world! The small minded simpletons that host this show…Scott and Mike…have once again teamed up to yammer on about an issue of All-Star Squadron (issue 19 to be exact). In that issue I…BRAIN WAVE…have kidnapped the Justice Society of America, which is like the coolest thing ever, right? Anyway, the All-Stars show up and try to stop me but they can’t because I am the most awesome thing to ever happen to planet Earth.

Ouside of talking about this issue Mike and Scott talk about a whole bunch of other stuff too and that is where the seeds of my takeover attempt will be planted. I have stolen this episode and laced it with subliminal messages that will cause you to bow before my large and sexy cranium! So when Scott is talking about the World’s Fair or Mike is talking about…well…whatever the hell Mike talks about you will fall further and further under my control!

Resistance is futile! I control you and soon I will control the world!

Next time: Why am I bothering to write a next time? I will control planet Earth by then. Oh well, in case something happens and I haven’t dominated the world Scott and Mike will talk about All-Star Squadron #20. And Mike will fight a bear.

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