
Tales of the Justice Society of America #34

MadminW July 4, 2010 38

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Sure, it’s a tad late this week, but that’s only because this episode is so amazing that the greatest of care had to be taken in the editing process!

Not buying it, huh?

Oh, well. It was worth a shot.

In any case, this week sees Scott and Mike continue their look at The ALL-STAR SQUADRON with issue five and boy, was there a lot to talk about in this one!! Not only do the Justice Society make a major decision affecting the future of that team, but a NEW HERO is introduced and — she is HOT! No, seriously! (Her powers are flame based)

Beyond that, Mike admits his feelings about the villain known as the Feathered Serpent and the guys talk about the history of the Stature of Liberty! Thanks to Scott, the guys also present the complete speech President Frankling Delano Roosevelt gave to Congress on December 8, 1941. Scott also mentions the awesome Independence Day episode he recorded for “Two True Freaks!”, so make sure you give that special a listen. It is kid tested, Mike approved, and you may find it here — http://twotruefreaks.libsyn.com/index.php?post_id=627867

After the break, the guys discuss BRAVE AND THE BOLD #182. In this exciting issue, the Batman of Earth-1 teams up with the Robin of Earth-2 and, while you would think that such a team-up would be a mutual admiration society meeting, it turns out to be anything but!! For one thing, Robin has a mega-sized stick up his butt about Batman looking like… well… Batman!! Then there’s the addition of the Batwoman of Earth-2 getting involved and she just brings nothing but creepy to the party. Sure, the concept is cool and the Jim Aparo art is sixteen flavors of greatness, but the wonky elements are definitely there and both Scott and Mike have a hard time downplaying them.

So, you get these TWO books, PLUS Elsewhere in the DC Multiverse, AND a whole slew o’ e-mails! This episode has it ALL!! — Well, except any Hostess Ads (queue sad trombone).

Next week: ALL-STAR SQUADRON #6 and ANOTHER “back-up feature” (that I don’t know what it is yet)!

Simply The Bestest Podcast You’ve Ever Heard… or my name isn’t William Howard Taft!!

NOTE — The Two True Freaks! now have a phone line where you can call and leave a completely inappropriate message – We just might use it on the show! It’s 585-COP-LURE!! ( 1-585-267-5873 )

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