
Tales of the Justice Society of America #32

MadminW June 20, 2010 38

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Welcome back to the TALES OF THE JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA! This week, Scott and Mike continue their trip in the way back machine as they take a look at issues 2 and 3 of the ALL-STAR SQUADRON!! And, boy oh boy, were these two FANTASTIC and FREAKISHLY AWESOME issues!!

This episode concludes the first story arc for the All-Stars and, in true adventure series fashion, the action begins on one side of the country and ends on the other! The All-Stars, newly formed by FDR himself, are off on their first official mission, but not before taking a moment to beat the living bejeezus out of a group of thugs who picked entirely the wrong freakin’ day in American history to try to pull off a job!! The All-Stars are soon bound for Frisco and we learn the origins of all of the heroes in attendance. As if THAT wasn’t enough, we learn the hows and whyfors of Per Degaton’s plans, too! Why is he attacking San Francisco? How did all of the villains appear out of their own times? Just who in the hell prints out the lettering for the self-destruct buttons? All of these questions and more are discussed!! (Notice we said “discussed”, not “answered.)

But that’s not all! There are ads!! Sad and pathetic little ads to be sure, but two of them ARE Hostess related and that can only mean one thing, gentle listener — COMEDY GOLD! In these ads, you get Batman fighting a horrible film director and Red Tornado battles the fact that Mike and Scott are mentally fourteen years old. Plus, it’s the return of Elsewhere in the DC Multiverse where Scott and Mike catch up on FOUR MONTHS worth of the other titles that were released alongside All-Star Squadron issues 1 through 3 — and go on a series of tangents so wild you’ll wonder if they forgot what the show was about…

Next week: All-Star Squadron #4 …where All-Star BATTLES All-Star!! Be There!! Or I’m telling your mom!!

NOTE — The Two True Freaks! now have a phone line where you can call and leave a completely inappropriate message – We just might use it on the show! It’s 585-COP-LURE!! ( 1-585-267-5873 )

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