
Tales of the Justice Society of America #31

MadminW June 12, 2010 50

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This is it, folks! This week, Scott and Mike begin their look at the best Earth-2 title EVER… THE ALL-STAR SQUADRON! In this extra-sized episode, the guys kick things off in fine style! First, they talk about why this series is so important to them and why, in many ways, THIS is the podcast they’ve wanted to do from the start. You also get to hear about a piece of art Scott received that made both he and Mike laugh and laugh and laugh.

Then, they get down to business with ALL-STAR SQUADRON #0 (the bonus book insert in JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA #193) where the members of the Justice Society of America are attacked by enemies they have never faced — yet the villains seem to know the heroes well!!
Then, in ALL-STAR SQUADRON #1, we meet the rest of the cast as the events of December 7, 1941 play out. But, who is this red-headed villain that has assembled a team of villains from the future? And what plans does he have for San Francisco? Find out in this exciting first issue!

But that’s not all!! There are ads! Lots of ads! They aren’t quite the ads of old, but there they are! And Mike and Scott present not one but TWO Hostess ads! The first with Green Arrow, who nearly bites off more than he can chew, and the second with Batgirl and a bunch of anorexic criminals who would rather eat than steal! Finally, the guys address some of YOUR e-mails!

This very special episode runs a little long, we know, but we’re sure you’ll agree that it is chalk full of that TALES OF THE JUSTICE SOCIETY goodness! Your complete satisfaction guranteed or your money back!!

Stay tuned in the weeks and months to come as Mike and Scott delve deeper into the World War II era Earth-2!!

NOTE — The Two True Freaks! now have a phone line where you can call and leave a completely inappropriate message – We just might use it on the show! It’s 585-COP-LURE!! ( 1-585-267-5873 )

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