Public Domain Comic Theater – The Phantom Snow Queen
The goofiness of this latest episode pushes the Horror Host to the end of his rope – and maybe even THE END OF THE LINE!
The goofiness of this latest episode pushes the Horror Host to the end of his rope – and maybe even THE END OF THE LINE!
The F.O.X.E.S. are joined by Uncle Buck Fifty to help in their villain and/or evil organization foiling plans, but is Buck to be trusted? Is he drunk? Should we let him near the wedding cake?
It’s a KID POWER DOUBLE FEATURE! First up, it’s off to the old West with KID COWBOY – THE CORBETT GANG and then an exciting urban tale with THE KID CRUSADERS – THE MAN WHO NEVER LAUGHED! Enjoy young children outsmarting GROWN ADULTS!
In the penultimate entry of MAD WORLD – DOOM ASYLUM – Life sucks sometimes – sometimes through a pinpoint hole into a hellish dimension.
In the third entry of MAD WORLD – DOOM ASYLUM – Dr. Bava would like to pick your brain a little bit.
In the second chapter of MAD WORLD – DOOM ASYLUM – Dr. Bava finds that psychiatry is HARD, but it’s the PAPERWORK that will KILL YOU!
In the penultimate entry of MAD WORLD – DOOM ASYLUM – Life sucks sometimes – sometimes through a pinpoint hole into a hellish dimension.
In the third entry of MAD WORLD – DOOM ASYLUM – Dr. Bava would like to pick your brain a little bit.