Ranger Chronicles Episode 302 — MMPR: Once and Always
After tragedy strikes, an unlikely young hero takes her rightful place among the Power Rangers to face off against the team’s oldest archnemesis.
After tragedy strikes, an unlikely young hero takes her rightful place among the Power Rangers to face off against the team’s oldest archnemesis.
Jason David Frank passed away on November 19, 2022. To pay tribute, this episode will cover 2 episodes spotlighting Tommy’s influence both on his fellow Rangers, and the Power Rangers franchise as a whole.
Divatox unleashes a 2-part plan to get rid of Tommy, and keep the rest of the team separated. But some new friends throw a wrench in those plans. Plus, the biggest change in Power Rangers yet.
After seeing a mere fly cause havoc with Blue Senturion’s systems, Divatox sends Shrinkasect to cause him to go crazy, and then shrink the Rangers, which causes them to start turning into flies. Also, Bulk and Skull take the first steps towards returning to normal. Well, normal for them anyway.
Adam tries to teach Carlos the value of teamwork, while Divatox keeps the Rangers too busy to find a detonator at the big soccer game. Then, while Kat tries out for a national dancing school, Divatox’s monster sends cars into orbit around Earth, then sends them crashing into Angel Grove.
Adam just happens to create a staff prop for his stunt show that looks exactly like the staff of Divatox’s ex, which is turning everything into hieroglyphics. Then, while Kat deals with a weight issue, Divatox plans to sink Angel Grove into the ocean.
Justin thinks his Dad has given him a bike for his birthday, but it’s actually a detonator, and he can’t get off of it. Then Porto’s new monster makes the Rangers lie, keeping them too busy to look for a hidden detonator.
Porto goes AWOL while Divatox plans to blow up a soap box derby. Then, while the Rangers are busy taking on Demon Racer, Adam also has to deal with members of his stunt team taking part in a dangerous drag race.
Today on Power Rangers: The Power Rangers go to the North Pole to save Santa and his elves when Zedd forces them to create his hypno-toy. Then, Mondo uses his bias-blaster to make the Rangers intolerant of how other cultures celebrate the holidays.