F.O.X.E.S. – Ninja Class Reunion – Chapter 1
The F.O.X.E.S. face what may be their most deadly challenge – A CLASS REUNION!
The F.O.X.E.S. face what may be their most deadly challenge – A CLASS REUNION!
Katchoo falls of the wagon, then kicks it over then wants to dance. Meanwhile – sex and ice cream.
A condom queen is crowned and David is going to get yelled at again.
Francine plots murder at the gym while Katchoo runs into model trouble.
Katchoo is reeling in another model!
Francine is introduced to the life-affirming world of condom marketing!
Katchoo sees Francine out and pins David down…
Francine’s ex’s ex , the Fat Man and the neighbors get another show!
Francine’s dream and a possible future…