Charlie’s Geekcast Quick Cut 01 — 30 Years of Comic Collecting
In the first of a series of short episodes that are mostly unedited and, therefore, easier to release on a regular basis, I reflect on 30 years of comic collecting.
In the first of a series of short episodes that are mostly unedited and, therefore, easier to release on a regular basis, I reflect on 30 years of comic collecting.
In a world devoid of the heroic ideal, what can two young boys do to save Earth from an alien invasion? Then, how can Superman possibly save his reputation when Vandal Savage’s machinations lead to the Man of Steel’s arrest?
Vandal Savage’s plan to turn the public against Superman kicks into high gear when prehistoric life threatens Metropolis. Can even the Forgotten Heroes help the Man of Steel save the day this time?
Lana’s stalker decides to end it all. Srakka’s origin is revealed. Superman battles Vartox. The 3-part epic concludes!
Vartox kidnaps Lana, and Superman cannot find her. But all is not as it seems…
Promo for Geeking on “Superman in the Bronze Age” Feedback for this show can be sent to: charliesgeekcast@gmail.com You can subscribe to Charlie’s Geekcast through Apple Podcasts, the RSS Feed, Google Podcasts, Amazon Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, Pandora, IHeartRadio, or Spotify. You can also visit the show’s Facebook group page. […]
This is it! The finale! Can Superman escape the Zone? Will Earth enter the Phantom Zone? And who dies? All this, plus I make a special announcement.
In this episode, Superman and Charlie Kweskill are trapped in the Phantom Zone and the Phantom Zone criminals are loose on Earth, complete with super-powers. Things aren’t looking too good for the good guys.