Charlie’s Geekcast Episode 44 — Geeking on Batman: The Adventures Continue 01
Mysteries abound in the first issue of this new digital comic series that returns to the animated world of the Batman!
Mysteries abound in the first issue of this new digital comic series that returns to the animated world of the Batman!
Christmas 1993 saw the animated Batman arrive on the big screen, and, as was the norm back then, DC published a comic book adaptation of it by the usual Batman Adventures team. How are they similar? How are they different? Why did it take so long for me to complete […]
When Joker finds out that there is a comic book where Batman always defeats him, he kidnaps the artist and sets about setting the record straight, ending with the death of Batman!
An undercover cop in Rupert Thorne’s gang has been discovered. Now it is up to Commissioner Gordon and Batman to find a rescue the cop, before he is silenced forever.
Continuing our look at DC’s Animated Comics! While Batman was out of town last issue, Robin held down the fort, and had to take on Scarface and the Ventriloquist. Plus, he makes an important decision about his future as Robin.
Batman’s animated comics go international…again! Batman goes to Paris to help Talia recover a statue for her father. This issue has it all: romance, super-heroics, and other stuff!
2019 marks 80 years since Batman made his debut. So today, I am counting down my 5 favorite Batman stories. Enjoy!
For the last episode of 2018, I take a look the Batman Adventures Holiday Special, plus its animated adaptation, “Holiday Knights.”
Moving to a little bit brighter Christmas themed show, we move from a murder to a homicidal maniac escaping from an asylum and taking over the television airwaves. What could go possibly wrong?