Ranger Chronicles Episode 95 — Beast Morphers S2 Episode 5: “Crusin’ for a Brusin'”
Today on Power Rangers Beast Morphers: When a Robotron digitizes Cruise for more power, the Rangers are inspired to find a way to combine with their Beast Bots.
Charlie Niemeyer March 31, 2020 183
Today, on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Can Tommy free Kimberly from Lord Zedd’s dark dimension? Can Billy free the Shogun Zords from Zedd’s control? Are the Shark Cycles good for anything other than chasing a Taxicab monster with Bulk, Skull, and Kimberly trapped inside? Tune in to find out…
Feedback for this show can be sent to: prchronicles@gmail.com
Screengrabs courtesy of Morphin’ Legacy.
SirStack’s Morphylogeny: The PR Footage Guide can be found at http://sirstack.db-destiny.net/morphylogeny/main.htm
“Today on Power Rangers” MMPR clips courtesy of SirStack’s Youtube channel.
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For complete show notes, including more images and videos, please visit the blog.
My names is Charlie, and I host 2 podcasts in the network: Charlie’s Geekcast and Ranger Chronicles
Tagged as: MMPR, Alpha, Squatt, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Tommy, Goldar, Billy, Rito Revolto, Kimberly, Power Rangers, Rocky, Kat, Adam, Baboo, Aisha, Ninjor, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Zordon.
My names is Charlie, and I host 2 podcasts in the network: Charlie’s Geekcast and Ranger Chronicles
Charlie Niemeyer March 28, 2020
Today on Power Rangers Beast Morphers: When a Robotron digitizes Cruise for more power, the Rangers are inspired to find a way to combine with their Beast Bots.
Charlie Niemeyer March 4, 2025
Charlie Niemeyer February 27, 2025
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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