Ranger Chronicles

Ranger Chronicles Episode 173 — Dino Fury S1 Episode 7: “Stego Search”

Charlie Niemeyer April 10, 2021 161

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The Warden takes away Javi’s keytar, putting him in a bad mood, which he refuses to explain to the team. Javi is forced to open up about his problems in order to find his Zord.

Commercial break songs:

  1. “Himitsu Sentai Goranger (Full Version)” by Isao Sasaki, Mitsuko Horie, Columbia Yurikagokai (in honor of 46 years of Super Sentai)
  2. “Power Rangers Lost Galaxy (Remix)”
  3. “Power Rangers RPM (Demo 4)” by Lee Levin, Jeco Music NYC

Feedback for this show can be sent to: prchronicles@gmail.com

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Charlie Niemeyer

My names is Charlie, and I host 2 podcasts in the network: Charlie’s Geekcast and Ranger Chronicles

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