Ranger Chronicles

Ranger Chronicles Episode 164 — Dino Fury S1 Episode 3: “Lost Signal”

Charlie Niemeyer March 6, 2021 105

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The Dino Fury Rangers intercept a mysterious message from outer space and Zayto is desperate to know if it was sent from his home planet. Unable to decipher it and losing hope, he remembers another important message from the past.

Commercial break songs:

  1. “Go! Fly! Win!” by Ron Wasserman
  2. “SPD Emergency (Extended Theme)” by Ron Wasserman
  3. “Best of the Best of the Best” by Jim Cushinary

Feedback for this show can be sent to: prchronicles@gmail.com

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Charlie Niemeyer

My names is Charlie, and I host 2 podcasts in the network: Charlie’s Geekcast and Ranger Chronicles

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