
Preacher Season Two Episodes Seven and Eight

Scott McGregor September 7, 2017 16

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Its a Giant Sized Double Issue this week as the Weekly Heroics crew recap episodes seven and eight of Preachers second season. First, its floating pigs, Pink Floyd and The Secret Origin of Herr Starr as Scott, Chris, Pat, Brian and Beth talk about the backstory of everyones favorite leader of Samson Unit. Also, Jesse goes to talk to a man about the end of the world, we learn some things we didnt know about Jesus Christ and the trio go out for a night of fun, booze and high caliber bullets. Next, our team has been whittled down to Scott and Pat trying desperately to fill the holes in the cast. Tulip is feeling the PTSD of being touched by the Saint of Killers, Cassidy is considering options for his dying son and Jesse is being kind of a dick. We check in with Eugene and company in Hell, Tulip meets Featherstone and Jesse does some tech store detective work in his quest for God. Bonus talk about old SNL skits, Peter Straub and Carnivale. Remember kids, only the highest grade spackle will repair holes from Hell bullets! Bingestorm to the Hurt Locker!

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