Just One of the Guys Episode #91
Hello dear listeners, and welcome to a torture (TORCHA!!!) filled episode of Just One of the Guys. And as you can tell by the cover to the book this week, […]
Ki-ki-ki-ki, ma-ma-ma-ma…
Hello dear listeners and welcome to a Friday the 13th airing episode of Just One of the Guys, a podcast that has nothing at all to do with a hockey mask wearing bubba who just won’t stay dead (that’s the other show I’m on). However, it is kind of appropriate that this weeks episode does deal with a creepy, Hannibal Lecter type character, Nicholas Kotero, who not only happens to want to foment a race war, but he also wants to take revenge on his old foe Green Arrow. Too bad the new Green Arrow, Conner Hawke, and the new Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner are here to try and prevent that from happening. It’s another contreversial subject tackled in the Green Lantern book. Is it handled better than the alcohol issue a few weeks back? Does Kotero have meta-human abilites that cause even the best of friends to turn into racist asshats? Does Chuck Dixon have that low of an opinion of the mass media? You’ll have to listen to find out. And you’ll want to listen as I’ve recruited the host of The Book Guys Show and co-host of the Relatively Geeky Podcast Network, Professor Alan Middleton, to cover the Green Arrow/Green Lantern crossover event “Hate Crimes”. So, unless you want to hear me sing a creepy version of “The Ants Come Marching”, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW December 6, 2013
Hello dear listeners, and welcome to a torture (TORCHA!!!) filled episode of Just One of the Guys. And as you can tell by the cover to the book this week, […]
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