Just One of the Guys Episode #88
Happy Friday, dear listeners, and thank you for downloading this episode of Just One of the Guys, the only show brave enough to use a song from the wife of […]
Domo arigato, lantern-y listeners, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, where we take a look at the best and worst of the Green Lantern books from the 90’s. Sadly, this time out kind of falls into the latter column. Not because of the book itself, but moreover the new villain…The Machine Messiah!!! No amount of exclaimation points could make this Chopping Mall reject into any kind of Green Lantern villain worthy to compile the data of more engaging villains like…The Shark, or The Lamplighter. Plus we get the departure of Donna Troy from the book due to as of yet unknown circumstances. Even more of a reason to be bummed out.
But the Green Lantern Corp Quarterly book is better…in parts. There’s a great Alan Scott story where he tussles with big headed freak, Hector Hammond. There’s a G’nort story where his pedigree actually saves the day. There’s a fun Mark Waid/Ty Templeton tale about a rookie GL who let his 24 hour charge run out. And there’s a story about Muppet faced bugs…Yeah, that one is one of the parts that isn’t better, AT ALL. But hey, they can’t all be winners. So unless you want to have to listen to the Yes song “Machine Messiah” in it’s entirety (all eleven minutes of it), I’d suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW November 15, 2013
Happy Friday, dear listeners, and thank you for downloading this episode of Just One of the Guys, the only show brave enough to use a song from the wife of […]
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