Just One Of Them There Guys #4
You know you wanted it, you just hoped you’d forget about it! It’s time again for the adventures of Ulysses Solomon Archer and his wacky band of Deep South stereotypes […]
Happy Friday podcast listeners, and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys, the show that talks about 90’s era Green Lantern. Heck, someone had to do it. And this time out we’re going to be taking a look at issue 82 of the Green Lantern book where Kyle forms a familial bond with the remaining former Green Lanterns, Donna threatens withholding of “slappity-slappity, boom-boom” time from Kyle unless he babysits her son, and Kyle allows Donna’s son to run off at the Central Park Zoo…and get lost in the tiger habitat.
Kyle’s not really a very good babysitter, is he? Anyhow, joining me for this non-action packed issue is my good friend Mr. Thomas Deja (Better In The Dark and author of Shadow Legion: New Roads to Hell), who lets me know why this is one his favorite issues of the run. A joyous time is had by all! So, unless you want in depth coverage of Colin Ferrell…FERRIN COLOS (I keep screwing that up) and Mad Ball Head Darkstars plans for rebuilding Ranagar, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW October 1, 2013
You know you wanted it, you just hoped you’d forget about it! It’s time again for the adventures of Ulysses Solomon Archer and his wacky band of Deep South stereotypes […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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