Just One of the Guys Episode #79
Good Friday, dear listeners, and welcome to another fun filled episode of Just One of the Guys. This time out we’re taking a look at Green Lantern #79, where we […]
Happy Friday, dear listeners! You’ve just downloaded the latest episode of Just One of the Guys and you’re preparing to hear about one of the best, and most underappreciated, crossover events of the 1990’s: Final Night. This was a four issue event that dealt with an alien entity called the Sun Eater who entered Earth’s solar system to…well, eat the Sun. And all of Earth’s heroes are powerless to do anything about it, especially the Man of Steel, who is the most affected by the loss of the Sun.
Plus we’ll also take a look at the Green Lantern issue that ties in with the story. In the book Kyle deals with (pre-rapey) Dr Light, Donna Troy, and the fact that even as the weilder of the most powerful weapon in the universe, he might not be able to save the planet. It’s the first part of a story that has Roland Emmerich levels of destruction written all over it, except this story is actually good. So unless you want to have to think about how Superman got Batman from Metropolis to Paris without a plane, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW August 29, 2013
Good Friday, dear listeners, and welcome to another fun filled episode of Just One of the Guys. This time out we’re taking a look at Green Lantern #79, where we […]
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