Just One Of The Guys Episode 80: The Final Night
Happy Friday, dear listeners! You’ve just downloaded the latest episode of Just One of the Guys and you’re preparing to hear about one of the best, and most underappreciated, crossover […]
Welcome back you amazing people and get ready for the last half of one of the best, and most underrated, crossover events of the 1990’s, The Final Night! In fact, this story is so awesome, I’m not even covering a Green Lantern comic this time out. But that doesn’t mean that Kyle Rayner is absent from the story, as he and the rest of Earth’s heroes desparately try to save the planet from the Sun Eater. However, the consequences are dire as The Man of Steel is all but powerless, Kyle is out of the picture, and even the genius of Brainiac and Luthor (well, smug arrogance of Luthor) can’t come up with a solution. In the end, the Earth’s fate rests in the hands of a fallen hero who still might not be up to the task. It is truly an epic story that ends with a renewal of heroism that rivals the sacrifices made by others in the Crisis on Infinite Earths. And because of the scope of this story, as well as it’s ties to a similar story with the Legion of Superheroes, I have brought along podcaster extraordinaire J. David Weter (host of PADSmash: An Incredible Hulk Podcast and co-host of Superman in the Bronze Age) to fill you in on just who the heck this Ferro kid is and how he relates to the actual Ferro Lad. It’s like a Michael Bay/Roland Emmerich movie in comics form, except it isn’t an assault on your intelligence. So unless you want to end up like the Cyborg, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show and get to listening!
MadminW September 6, 2013
Happy Friday, dear listeners! You’ve just downloaded the latest episode of Just One of the Guys and you’re preparing to hear about one of the best, and most underappreciated, crossover […]
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