Just One of the Guys Episode #78
Hello JOOTGuys (Okay, I don’t have a cool name for listeners of the show like “Nuclear Subs”, so sue me) and welcome back to another episode of Just One of […]
Good Friday, dear listeners, and welcome to another fun filled episode of Just One of the Guys. This time out we’re taking a look at Green Lantern #79, where we see Kyle in full on, self assured, ready to lay some smack down mode as he’s called in to stop a prison break that was instigated by former Kip Winger wannabe, Sonar. Along the way we get cameos from Donna Troy in nothing but a dress shirt, Sledge, and Dr. Light, who is 100% less rapey in this issue. Granted, he’s only in it for one panel, but you take what you can get.
In the second book, we’re covering Guy Gardner Warrior Annual #2, and wow, is it a complete 180 from the last annual. The art is stellar, the stories are fun, and there’s even a touching moment at the end. Not what you would expect from the “Legends of the Dead Earth” series of Annuals, but when Beau Smith, Mitch Byrd, and Phil Jimenez are on the book, you shouldn’t be surprised. So unless you want Risa to blab on you for saying a bad word, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW August 23, 2013
Hello JOOTGuys (Okay, I don’t have a cool name for listeners of the show like “Nuclear Subs”, so sue me) and welcome back to another episode of Just One of […]
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