Just One of the Guys Episode #77
Salutations, lovely listeners and welcome to another very Green episode of Just One of the Guys. Not green in the fact that the podcast was produced with 75% recycled material, […]
Hello JOOTGuys (Okay, I don’t have a cool name for listeners of the show like “Nuclear Subs”, so sue me) and welcome back to another episode of Just One of the Guys. And after last week’s coverage of Green Lantern and Green Arrow, I’ve got a special treat for you. This time out, along with the coverage of Green Lantern #78, in which Kyle homages the rescue scenes from Superman, checks in on hospitalized John Stewart, and professes his love for Donna Troy (who you might sneak a peek of her “Paradise Island” in this issue) I’m also covering Guy Gardner Warrior Annual #1!!!
Sadly, the joy over the fact that I have a Guy Gardner book to cover is diminished by the muddy, overly detailed 90’s art in the book. Even Beau Smith’s storytelling can’t rescue this one. But if you ever wanted to know what was up with that last bit of the “Way of the Warrior” story, here is the explanation. So prepare to taste Vuldarian justice, which does not take like chicken, and grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW August 16, 2013
Salutations, lovely listeners and welcome to another very Green episode of Just One of the Guys. Not green in the fact that the podcast was produced with 75% recycled material, […]
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