Just One of the Guys Episode #54
Hello wonderful listeners, and welcome to very estrogen filled episode of Just One of the Guys. Estrogen filled, you say? Why yes, I reply, and not because of my fondness […]
Hello wonderful people, and welcome to another episode of Just One of the Guys. This week, we’re getting geared up for the “epic” Zero Hour event with both the books bearing the cover copy for that crossover. Green Lantern has less to do with Zero Hour though and more to do with Kyle finally getting his lantern, almost electrocuting Major Force, and getting a expositional summary of GL history by none other than Alan Scott. Then on the last page, Superman shows up to give a reason for the Zero Hour cover.
Guy Gardner, however, has a more direct tie in to the story, as he, Steel, Supergirl, and Batgirl (what, wasn’t she paralyzed and called Oracle now?) get sucked into different time eras all the while fighting the supposed antagonist of the event, Extant! Yes, with a name like Extant, you know he’s got to be scary…and if the name doesn’t scare you, the spooky red and black mask will!!! BOOGA BOOGA!!! Anyhow, unless you want to spend some quality time with Kari Limbo, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start listening!
MadminW February 22, 2013
Hello wonderful listeners, and welcome to very estrogen filled episode of Just One of the Guys. Estrogen filled, you say? Why yes, I reply, and not because of my fondness […]
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