Just One of the Guys Episode #46
Hello dear listeners, and welcome back to another Super episode of Just One of the Guys. Why so Super, you might ask? Well, for numerous reasons. One being the Green […]
Happy New Year, dear listeners, and welcome to a very green episode of Just One of the Guys. Yes in order to appease Oliver Queen, I’ve decided to go green. In fact, right as I type this, I am powering my computer system with a generator hooked to a stationary bicycle. Too bad my typing skills are so poor, as I’m getting really tired trying to keep the power on. But the real green comes in today’s issue of Green Lantern, where Hal teams up with his old pal Oliver in a effort to recapture the old O’Neill/Adams vibe. Sadly, the villain they are stuck fighting is Flicker…but it’s not as bad as having to watch Speedy shoot up, so there is that.
And over in Guy Gardner we have…wait, what is this? The LAST ISSUE OF GUY GARDNER?!? The series has to end on a fill-in issue with a non-Joe Staton artist?!? OUTRAGE!!! Oh, wait…it’s just the end of the book under this title. Whew, that’s a relief. Especially since this book offered up an ultra-90’s villain for Guy in the red and yellow armored form of…Militia! Rob Leifield would have been proud. So grab your shoulderpads, thigh pouches, and mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW December 28, 2012
Hello dear listeners, and welcome back to another Super episode of Just One of the Guys. Why so Super, you might ask? Well, for numerous reasons. One being the Green […]
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