Just One of the Guys Episode #42
Hello dear listeners to the episode of Just One of the Guys that answers The Meaning of Life!!! Yes, it’s 42. The episode number, that is. Hitchhiker’s Guide anyone? No? […]
Welcome back, dear listeners, to supercharged episode of Just One of the Guys. That’s right, this one has all the power and majesty one would expect from the return of a Silver Age giant plant spore thingee and his wife to the Green Lantern comics…so essentially neither one of those things. Plus we get some weird space jihadists and the new politcally correct Green Lantern Oath!!! Finally the book is forced to address it’s inherent bias toward a color scheme that is essentially the absence of all colors. Bravo!
Over in the Guy Gardner issue, we get more of the wonderfully crafted story, Yesterday’s Sins. Chuck Dixon continues to impress with a tale of Guy’s ingenuity, compassion, and dedication to his family. We also get the introduction of his brother Mace, as well as the problems that he is going through. More powerful stuff for my favorite character. So even if you’re listening to this “In Darkest Night”, scrounge up your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW November 30, 2012
Hello dear listeners to the episode of Just One of the Guys that answers The Meaning of Life!!! Yes, it’s 42. The episode number, that is. Hitchhiker’s Guide anyone? No? […]
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