Just One of the Guys Episode #41
Welcome, dear listeners, to a turkey fueled episode of Just One of the Guys. Turkey fueled not only because it is being released after Thanksgiving her in the U.S. (sorry […]
Hello dear listeners to the episode of Just One of the Guys that answers The Meaning of Life!!! Yes, it’s 42. The episode number, that is. Hitchhiker’s Guide anyone? No? Okay moving on, we’ve got the wrap up of the storyline with The Predator in Green Lantern #42. We also get cameos from Deathstroke: The Terminator, Arisia, and a strangely pregnant Star Sapphire…And no, it doesn’t make any sense in the end.
Over in the Guy Gardner issue, writer extraodinaire Chuck Dixon weaves a tale of Guy’s early life in the fantastic Year One story arc, Yesterday’s Sins. As good as all the stories before this were, this one leaves them all behind. If you ever wanted to know more about the character of Guy Garnder, this is the story that you MUST read. So unless you want to taste the back of Rolly Gardner’s hand, you need to grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW November 23, 2012
Welcome, dear listeners, to a turkey fueled episode of Just One of the Guys. Turkey fueled not only because it is being released after Thanksgiving her in the U.S. (sorry […]
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