Just One of the Guys Episode #3
Welcome back…or welcome, if this is your first time. I’m hoping it isn’t but I’m going to follow the Marvel/Chris Claremont method for now. And no, that doesn’t mean I’m […]
Another Friday, another episode of Just One of the Guys. Just like you’ve come to expect, and hopefully what I’ll be able to deliver for a good period of time. In this issue we get Hal shirking responsibility to go pick fruit, Guy and members of the J.L.I. borrowing a means of transportation from someone unexpected, John looking tortured, and the Mad Guardian playing collector with cities from across the galaxy. But he makes the mistake of taking the cities out of the box…the idiot! Doesn’t he know that just ruins the value of them?!? Now they’re practically worthless! All this, plus the return of Clay and all of his groovy insight into the nature of the universe. Or at least the ramblings of a whacked out hippie. So set your mp3 players to “mellow”, download the podcast, and start to listening.
(Editor’s note) Well, for those of you who downloaded this isuue…episode…ISSUSODE, and found it was silent for the first 12 minutes, that was not me trying to be avant garde, or me giving you a break from having to listen to my voice (which has been found to cause certain forms of cancer in laboratory animals over prolonged exposure periods), I truly apologize. But I have re-edited and reposted the show, so all my inane ramblings, as well as some awesome promos and my first letter, can be transported through your auditory canal into your waiting cerebellum. Just like the slug from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. Hopefully not with the same effects, though. Everyone who downloaded the original show can expect a full refund for their purchase in their PayPal accounts :-).
MadminW January 27, 2012
Welcome back…or welcome, if this is your first time. I’m hoping it isn’t but I’m going to follow the Marvel/Chris Claremont method for now. And no, that doesn’t mean I’m […]
2021 DiManzicorp Podcast Network
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