Just One of the Guys Episode #27
Welcome back mateys, to another thrill packed episode of Just One of the Guys. Okay, maybe not so thrilling, unless you find loan application to be a pulse pounding experience. […]
Welcome back, dear listeners, to an All Star episode of Just One of the Guys. Well, maybe all star is a bit of an oversell. How about an Evil Star episode? Yeah, not quite as good, but at least more accurate. This time out we finish up the three part story dealing with…Evil Star. I guess Hal needed to start out small when dealing with his rogue’s gallery. This time out we get creative uses for sport jackets, supervillains that might be a little slow, supervillains with lame superpowers, and supervillans who monologue…A LOT!!! It definitely makes it easier for Green Lantern to beat them, though. All of this, plus a look at ads. So grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!
MadminW August 10, 2012
Welcome back mateys, to another thrill packed episode of Just One of the Guys. Okay, maybe not so thrilling, unless you find loan application to be a pulse pounding experience. […]
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