Just One of the Guys Episode #21
Good Friday, dear listeners…I’m glad you could all attend this meeting of the Guy Gardner Fan Club, and I would like to apologize how this issue, Green Lantern #21, is […]
Welcome, dear listeners, to another romance filled episode of Just One of the Guys. Well, romance if you consider wanting to run your lover through with a broadsword. Or if you are a clingy, big bosomed rock creature who also wields the most powerful weapon in the universe. But after you get past the crazy, these ladies would make fine girlfriends (no…no they wouldn’t. Seriously, these women are damaged…run, run for your lives!!!). Anyhow, in this issue we get intergalactic wars, commanders in metal ass-less chaps, decapitation by whip, and psycho-babble from a female Green Lantern (But lets face it guys, all women are a little that way. Am I right?*). So grab a pint of Haagen Dazs and your mp3 player of choice, download the podcast, and start to listening.
* Really, I don’t think that all women are crazy. It’s just a stereotype perpetrated by chauvinistic males.**
** My wife made me write that…***
*** And now I’m sleeping on the couch.
Here’s the link to to the webpage I mentioned in the show…http://ljaconesbunker.blogspot.com/2010/09/interlude-decap-attack.html
MadminW June 29, 2012
Good Friday, dear listeners…I’m glad you could all attend this meeting of the Guy Gardner Fan Club, and I would like to apologize how this issue, Green Lantern #21, is […]
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