Just One of the Guys Episode #20
Hey there, bros and welcome to a totally manly episode of Just One of the Guys. After last week’s excursion into the world of the “New Alan Scott”, this week […]
Good Friday, dear listeners…I’m glad you could all attend this meeting of the Guy Gardner Fan Club, and I would like to apologize how this issue, Green Lantern #21, is completely Guy free. But, as per your e-mail memo, it is filled with quality content including how to effectively mess with a person’s head during an interview, new advancments in hover-desk technology, proper dress code for meetings (this one is specifically for you, Flicker!), and procedures for an intentional airlock release (again, directed at Flicker). Plus, we discuss how certain names might be a bit risque, especially when printed in all caps in a comic (looking at you Clint…and Flicker as well). All of this will be covered, as well as some effective ads meant to improve our profit margin. So grab your mp3 player of choice, download the file (it is essential to go with the meeting’s Power Point), and get to listening.
MadminW June 22, 2012
Hey there, bros and welcome to a totally manly episode of Just One of the Guys. After last week’s excursion into the world of the “New Alan Scott”, this week […]
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