Just One of the Guys Episode #19
Hello dear listeners, and welcome to the most controversial episode of Just One of the Guys yet. What kind of controversy, you may ask? Well, being that issue #19 is […]
Hey there, bros and welcome to a totally manly episode of Just One of the Guys. After last week’s excursion into the world of the “New Alan Scott”, this week we are treated to testosterone-heavy book. In the issue we get Guy beating the stuffing out of Despero, Lanterns sitting around talking about sex, Kevin Costner references (who in the 1990’s was more manly, I ask you?), and the introduction of Boodikka, the most manly of all the recent GL recruits (too bad she’s a ‘roided up female bodybuilder). All of that, and a totally manly protagonist called Flicker, a guy with Firestorm’s head, an Elizabethan costume with ruffled collar, and…high heeled boots. Okay, well maybe not so manly. Regardless, the book is a fun one, so grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and get to listening!
MadminW June 15, 2012
Hello dear listeners, and welcome to the most controversial episode of Just One of the Guys yet. What kind of controversy, you may ask? Well, being that issue #19 is […]
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