
Just One of the Guys Episode #169

MadminW June 19, 2015 8

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Thanks everyone for downloading the latest episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS: A GREEN LANTERN PODCAST, the show determined enough to continue its premise of covering all of the Green Lantern comics from June 1990 until November 2004, even through the very contentious Ben Raab run on the book. In today’s episode, Green Lantern #169, Kyle powers up to head into an alternate dimension to rescue former Green Lantern Kilowog from a bunch of Hellish aliens. Meanwhile on Earth, Jenny Lynn Hayden is dealing with Kyle being away by giving out her phone number to some attractive Wall Street douch nozzle in hopes that she might be able to score while Kyle is out saving the universe. Yeah, I might be able to see what people were saying about these books getting under their skin. So, unless you want to get the song about Jenny’s phone number stuck in your head for the rest of the day (Thank you, Tommy Tutone), I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!


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