
Just One of the Guys Episode #163

MadminW May 8, 2015 14

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The Black Circle: Urban Knights story rolls along (you see…it’s a pun) on this Friday’s episode of JUST ONE OF THE GUYS: A GREEN LANTERN PODCAST. First, in Green Arrow #24 we get introduced to Amon Sur, son of the former GL of Sector 2814 and law enforcement officer in his own right, who teams up with our heroes to take out the intergalactic drug cartel. Then in Green Lantern #163 we see just how well an old man like Oliver Queen stacks up against a warehouse full of blaster armed extraterrestrials. No spoilers, but he pretty much mops the floor with them. And it wouldn’t be a proper Green Lantern/Green Arrow crossover on Just One of the Guys without a guest spot from one of the hosts of the Relatively Geeky Podcast Network, Professor Alan Middleton. And it was quite a coup to have him on, as these books were acquired for nearly five times the amount that he has to pay for his own books, something that DiManziCorp is filing reimbursement papers for as we speak. Look for that check in the mail, Professor. Anyhow, unless you want a ring construct rhino dropped on you, I suggest you grab your mp3 player of choice, download the show, and start to listening!


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